Friday, May 24, 2013

A New Beginning

Hey guys.  Owen Tucker.  And today I’m going to be introducing something new.  For those of you who don’t know, I am a Christian.  Christ is my savior and Lord of my life.  I will follow where He leads me and I believe that he has lead me to use this blog.  So now, instead of blurps from my life, I will be posting verse from the Bible and discussing them.  It will simply be what I think about what the Bible is trying to say to me (and sometimes John).  Something that I hope others might benefit by.  I am not trying to tell anyone how to live their lives, or what they should take away from scripture.  These are simply my observations concerning the Word.  Take from that what you will.

(As a side, all the verses I use will be taken from an NIV Bible)

Romans 5: 3-4
…But we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Glory in suffering.  This is a theme found throughout the Bible over and over.  It is one we as Christians are thoroughly familiar with.  Yet it is one of the hardest to see in our everyday lives.  Who stubs a toe and thinks “Glory to God!”?  Most think of a choice word instead.  But even with something small and insignificant seeming as stubbing a toe, we can and should see glory.  Because in that instance, it is offering the chance to control anger.  For when we take suffering and accept it, in whatever form it may come in, we strengthen our faith.  We build ourselves in God.  We produce perseverance.  And with perseverance comes character.  A character built in faith.  Strong with God.  When we take suffering happily, seeing the glory, no matter how small, we persevere in our faith and come closer to our Lord.  With that strengthened relationship comes the hope. When we are strong with God, when we know He is our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer, how can we not have hope?  That is the very essence of hope.  All we await is His return to fulfill that hope.

How can you apply this to your own life?  I know I can apply it each and every day in my life.  Everything I said in the previous paragraph sounds wonderful, but it’s a different story trying to put it into practice.  Above is what we should do, and why we should do it.  Enter the human element.  Our innate, sinful desires that always push us away from what is best.  The part that tells me to say that choice word when I stub my toe instead of seeing and accepting the chance to persevere.  That is what makes doing the above so difficult.  It is a constant battle each day to be able to hold to the Lord and follow his commands.  A battle I am determined to win.  When the opportunity arises, I will strive to see it in the light of God’s glory and act accordingly.  Will you?

If so, or even if not, you might consider a short prayer right now.  Because we can and should always talk to God.  About everything.

Dear Lord, I ask for Your wisdom to come upon me.  Allow me to see these things as they appear to me, and let me act in a way according to Your Word, so that I may not stumble.  I thank You for those reading this and ask that it might help them in some way.  Amen.


  1. I can see this blog as being a blessing to many people, and I'm going to be one of them :) Thanks for sharing.
