Monday, December 5, 2011


Hey guys. 
   Well, first, I guess I’d better inform you as to why you are not reading about Fred at this moment.  It was a bit of a cliffhanger last week, I know, but you’ll only be getting Fred’s adventures once a week, every Thursday.  Just like a TV show.  In between those you’ll just have me talking about whatever.  Y’know, filler.  Because Fred is the real stuff that everyone wants to read.  However, I will attempt to make these fillers interesting.  They will no doubt fail in their attempts to compete with Fred, however, they maybe be able to finish in a close second.  If they manage to tie the race, I shall be content. 
   So, blogging.  I assume when one blogs, one is supposed to have a topic upon which to blog.  That’s the trend that I’ve seen in the blogs I’ve read anyway.  But is it really necessary to have a topic?  Or can simple rambling be interesting?  I guess we’ll find out, because I’m just rambling here.  If it entertains you, then I guess it proves that you don’t have to have a topic upon which to blog.  Which would be a good thing for me.  But if you find this to be mind numbingly boring, then I guess I do need a topic, which will make it just that much harder.  Perhaps that will make it more satisfying in the end though.  Hopefully it will, because I would need some compensation.  I do enjoy rambling on about nothing in particular. 
   Y’know, now would be a great time to insert some humor.  So I guess I will.  Go watch Tim Hawkins. 
If he didn’t make you laugh, you need to check your sense of humor, it might be broken.  Maybe it needs a new battery.  Can you get a battery for a sense of humor?  Are those things kinda like fire alarms?  Like, instead of smelling smoke and beeping, a sense of humor sniffs funny and laughs.  If that’s the case, then it would make sense why laughing gas makes people laugh whether they want to or not.  But if your sense of humor was out of batteries, I don’t think even laughing gas would help. 
   Senses of humor aside, batteries are very useful things.  They do a lot of useful stuff.  Like battery powering things so that you don’t need cords.  That’s why they’re called batteries.  I want to throw one in a fire and see what happens.  It being compressed energy and all, I would think that it would explode, and since I’m a teenage boy, I wanna see it explode.  And if it does explode, I wanna get one of those bigger batteries and make a bigger boom!  Or maybe I should just get sticks of dynamite and blow up rocks.  Hhhmmm.  The rocks might be enough by themselves though.  I once tossed a rock into a fire and it blew up.  It was funny.  I tossed the thing into the fire, then like ten minutes later there was a loud BANG and sparks flew everywhere and freaked everyone out.  Just goes to show you that rocks really can be amusing toys.
   Are you bored of me yet?  Because I’m getting bored of myself.  So I guess I’d better wrap this up.  It might be an advisable to do so before you really get bored and vow to never read my blog again.  That would be a tragedy.  A terrible tragedy.  A tragically tragic tragedy.  Say that five times fast.  Or even two times fast…it’s a lot harder out loud than it is in your mind. Just like if you say gullible slowly it sounds like  fish.
   I was going to leave you with that thought, but I need to know.  Do you prefer it when I do or don’t have a topic?  If you have a preference, tell me in the comments.  If you don’t have a preference, tell me in the comments anyway.


  1. The first part was slow, but once you got onto the funny things it picked up. Sooooo...... it's half and half. I guess. For me :)

  2. I like ramblings. But only if they come from a rambler with skill...which you do. So ramble on, sir!

    (P.S. - If you blow up a battery, invite me to go with you. I want to see a battery blow up. I'll bring a phone just in case we have to call 911, k?)

  3. Ramblings it is. If you haven't noticed by this time. ;P

    911? Who calls 911? Nothing bad is gonna happen. I mean, we're just blowing up a battery...

  4. My brother likes blowing stuff up. And melting little army dudes with matches. XD

    My dad lights huge bonfires. We put all this scrap wood that we need to get rid of in a pile (and it's about 8 feet high now; no kidding. We haven't burned in a while).

    You should come over and see when we light it up. And you can blow up all the batteries you want. XD
