Monday, January 23, 2012

A Topic

   I really hate not having a topic.  It’s annoying.  You can only write so much random junk before it ceases to be funny and becomes just that.  Random junk.  And I’ve churned out quite a bit of that, therefore I think I need something else now.  Something new, something fresh.  Like a topic.  That would be a welcome change, wouldn’t you say?
   The only thing is that writing with a topic is so much harder.  It takes concentration and deep thought, something you might have noticed lacking in my previous posts.  It’s also something I need to do more, and this blog is the perfect way to help me do it.  Therefore you will now be subjected to tedious posts that have topics and will no doubt be bereft of humor.  I’m so sorry.  This is just the way it has to be.
   Now, on with the topic! 
   Today, how’s about music?  I like music.  Music is awesome.  I love some good hard rock, like Red, Thousand Foot Krutch, and Demon Hunter, but there are times when I get in the mood for lighter, more flippant stuff.  In which case I turn to the Killdares.  Celtic rock.  It’s pretty cool stuff. 
   While music is just awesome in general, it is very useful too.  It can shape my mood, or match it, so easily.  It’s amazing.  I want to get a file of depressing, energetic, angry, passive, and sad music, all separate though.  Mixing those genres together wouldn’t work to well.  But separately, they would be so useful.  It would be a lot easier to get into the type of writing moods I want/need if I had the music to match.  I already have semi angry music and plenty of energetic stuff, but the closest I get to sad or depressing stuff is a slight melancholy.  I need something stronger than that, I just don’t know where to go to get it (or, rather, what to search on iTunes).  It’s something of a conundrum.  But I won’t make a kerfuffle* about it.  If you know some good, depressing music, though, I’ll take any suggestions.
   On a rather different track concerning music, I recently decided that Spanish music has got some good stuff.  Particularly the song, A Dios Le Pido.  Now I’m pretty sure that means, I Pray to God.  Not positive, but pretty sure.  Whatever it means, though, it’s a good song.  I don’t understand anything the dude says, but the music is awesome, and his incomprehensible words fit right in.  That’s important.  That the words fit.  I don’t generally listen to the lyrics when decided whether I like a song or not, by they have to flow with the music, or they’re ruin the song.  Like one band I know.  They’ve got great music, but the lyrics suck.  Well, not so much the lyrics as the way he sings them.  He just roars them out, with no thought to melody or rhythm.  Makes good music bad.  Luckily that’s not the majority.
   Oh darn.  I was afraid of this.  I stuck to the topic of music, yes, but utterly failed at injecting it with humor, now didn’t I?  The fact I didn’t really try might have something to do with that, just maybe.  Topics are serious stuff though, y’know?  Gotta treat them with respect.  I was brought up as a gentleman.  I must show respect in all things.  However this is a habit I will try to break for your sake, and make fun of serious topics.  Next week you shall know whether I succeeded or not.


1 comment:

  1. Evanescence has some slightly depressing songs.
    My Immortal, Breathe No More, And Hello.
