Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Glass Sword Thingy in the Stone

   Dude!  This is Owen Tucker and the journal thingy this time is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.  So I’ll just shut up and let you jump right into it.  In fact, I don’t even know why I said anything in the first place.  Hhhhmmm…  Oh yeah!  Now I remember.  I said something because I finally figured out what’s up with those time flux things.  They’re not time fluxes at all.  It actually happens because we aren’t in the same reality, you and me.  We’re in alternate realities, and somehow my blog posts are seeping through a crack in time continuum (or something like that) and you’re receiving them.  So it’s just the random time differences between our realities that are messing everything up. 
   Tada!  Problem solved.  Now here’s that journal thingy.
   8/2/12:  On this date (that being the 8th of August in the year 2012) I was at the top of a really long staircase staring a really cool looking thingy stuck in the middle of a really big rock, all of which was inside a room that, when I took a peek out a window, was really high up. 
   I walked over to the rock and took a closer look at the thing stuck in it.  At first glance it looked like some type of sword and I instantly thought that I had found the sword in the stone from those King Arthur legends.  But another glance told me that it wasn’t exactly a sword.  It was in the shape of a sword, yes, with the handle, cross guards, and all that, but the blade part was circular and the whole thing had a glassy look to it.  When I got really close though, glass was the wrong word.  More like solid water.  It had a concrete shape, obviously, since it was stuck in a rock, but I could see it moving within its shape.  Kind of like it was a glass container filled completely with water without air sockets.  It couldn’t be glass though.  I reached out to touch it and it felt soft and smooth against my fingers.  Nothing at all like glass.
   “Will ya jest toog et out already?”
   Wilfred’s voice jarred me out of my wonderfully peaceful examination of the sword looking thingy and I glared.  I didn’t have anything to point my glare at, but I glared all the same. 
   “I’m going to.  Gosh, you’re so impatient.”
   “Weel Ah wuld na be impatient ef ya wuld jest toog et out fasta.”
   I grabbed the handle and jerked the thing out of the stone.  It actually came out quite easily, and when it was all the way out I could see that only a few inches of blade had been stuck.  I held it up and let the sun glint through it.  Suddenly it was like the sun struck a mirror or something inside it and the whole thing flashed.
   Use me for evil.

   The voice rung through my head.  I glanced around.  My first thought was of Wilfred, but there had been no accent, so it couldn’t have been him. 
   “Wha was tha light?”
   I frowned.  “I have no idea.”
   The sword thingy flashed again and the voice repeated itself.
   Use me for evil.
   I stared at it. “Whoa!  Are you seriously talking?”
   “’Ave ya gone daft, lad?”
   “Shut up, Wilfred.  The sword is talking.”
   “Aye.  He’s gone daft.”
   Another flash.  Use me for evil.
   I frowned again.  “This thing really wants me to use it for evil.”
   “Wha’re ya talkin’ aboot?”
   “It keeps saying ‘use me for evil’.”
   “Are ya kiddin’ ma?”
   “No!  It really is!”
   “Now laddie, jest ‘cause ya’ve found ya’self a shiny tuy, tha’s na a cause fa ‘ullucinations.”
   I waved the sword around in a threatening manner.  At least, it would have been threatening if I knew where to threaten.
   “Wilfred, I’m not hallucinating!”
   “Et’s a’right, lad, Ah understand.  Ah’m ‘ere fa ya.”
   The sword quivered in my hand just a tad as I pointed it. “Wilfred.  Just be quiet.”
   To my surprise, it worked.  Wilfred remained silent.  Although there were a few muffled buzzing noises I couldn’t quite understand.

   To be continued…

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