Monday, April 23, 2012


     Have you ever thought about what it would be like if you were the size of an ant?  Or maybe a squirrel?  I have.  Many times.  It’s weird.  All those small thoughts running through your head, then you look around and everything is so big!  Just think how big everything must be to an ant.  If Mr. Ant was just walking along one day and out of nowhere a leaf falls he’d be all like “HOLY COW!  The sky is falling!”  What if he actually saw a cow?  Then he’d be like “That ain’t no cow.  That’s a giant, black and white monster that goes moo!  Not to mention its terrible spelling skills and vendetta against chickens.”
     Now squirrels, squirrels are different.  Being a squirrel could be fun.  You’d get to run around trees, gather nuts, and be all cute and stuff.  Sounds pretty sweet, huh?  The only downside is all those predators that would be thirsting for your blood.  Just a small downside though…
     All in all, it’s funner to imagine yourself as a super hero or something.  Well, not a super hero in particular.  Just a personage with super powers.  Then you get to run around, blow stuff up, save the screaming people, beat up the baddies, and all that good stuff.  That’s lots of fun.  When you stop that imagining that one, you always gotta fight the urge to see if you really do have those super powers.  ‘Course, I always give in anyway.  That’d be pretty sweet.  Just a normal Joe one minute, then “I GOT DA SKILLZ!”
     But don’t any of you come crying to me if this whole imagining thing doesn’t work out for you.  You’ve got to have the right kind of mind for it to work properly.  The kind of mind that can see things in a way other people would probably just call weird.  In other words, the mind of a genius.  Everyone knows that geniuses are always viewed as weird, and are weird in some cases.  I’ll bet Albert Einstein counted roosters instead of sheep at night.  That other genius dude probably rode his bicycle to work as he was inventing the automobile.  Then there’s that other guy who eats plain ol’ wheat oaty cereal stuff with no sugar.  Bleh.  Nasty.  That dude really was weird.  They should’ve stuck him in a mental hospital.  Well, maybe not.  He probably wouldn’t have made whatever invention he did if they had done that.  Pity.
     However, regardless of how pitiful it is, I have established that geniuses are so cool that people think they’re weird.  And that you need to be a genius in some way to have these super awesome imagining sessions.  So if you aren’t, and therefore can’t, you have my deepest sympathy.  But if you are, and you can, huzzah for you!  It means you are awesome and shall go far in life.  If you don’t believe me, just ask one of them famous, brilliant, genius, er, dead dudes.  I’m sure they’ll tell you.  And how!


  1. Well, I imagine most of my time, so I suppose I am dastardly cool and awesome. ;)
